Reconciliation Action Plan

Article originally published by Bunzl Australia

In Australia, one powerful tool that has emerged that enables organisations around the country to sustainably and strategically take meaningful action in advancing reconciliation is a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). Based on the core pillars of relationships, respect and opportunities, these plans offer tangible and substantive benefits for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and represent a step in acknowledging past injustices, promoting inclusivity and fostering meaningful relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.

Recently Bunzl launched their very own RAP which embodies their commitment to continuous learning, adaption, and evolution as we work towards genuine reconciliation with First Nations communities. As a Bunzl company, Atlas McNeil Healthcare Community uphold this framework. 

What is a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)?

A Reconciliation Action Plan is a strategic document that outlines practical steps for an organisation to take in contributing to reconciliation in Australia. These plans are tailored to suit the individual goals, circumstances, and resources of each organisation, ensuring they are both meaningful and achievable. RAPs typically encompass initiatives aimed at fostering respectful relationships, promoting opportunities for Indigenous Australians, and contributing to a fair and equitable society.

The intention of a RAP is to turn good intentions into real actions that support Indigenous Australians in achieving equality in all aspects of life with the Australian government providing a guidance framework in order to do so. 

Why is it Important for Businesses?

RAPs contribute to building a fair and equitable society by addressing systemic issues and promoting reconciliation across all levels. Through initiatives such as cultural awareness training, community engagement, and advocacy, businesses can help challenge stereotypes, combat racism, and promote understanding and respect for Indigenous cultures and perspectives - fostering an inclusive and respectful culture that celebrates and appreciates the lived experiences of First Nations people and communities.  

What are the Benefits of a RAP to Your Customers?

Firstly, it's a matter of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). In today's socially conscious world, consumers, employees, and investors increasingly expect businesses to demonstrate a commitment to ethical and sustainable practices. In fact, 93% of all Australians believe that maintaining a relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the general community is important. By partnering with organisations who have a RAP, you are signaling  your dedication to reconciliation, enhancing your reputation and attractiveness to potential customers. 

Reconciliation Action Plans are a powerful tool towards promoting reconciliation in Australia, encouraging inclusivity and driving positive change. By committing to meaningful actions, businesses play a pivotal role in building a fairer, more equitable society and contributing to a brighter future for all Australians. As we continue the journey towards reconciliation, let us embrace the opportunities presented by RAPs and work together to create a better tomorrow for generations to come.

Explore how we support people & community with Bunzl's RAP here

1. Reconciliation Australia, 2020, 2020 Australian Reconciliation Barometer.