Read our most Frequently Asked Questions here.

A National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plan outlines your goals and aspirations for living a full and equal life. It also names what services or supports you need.

Plans can consider your current needs and future goals.

NDIS services or supports are provided through three categories of funding you can have in a NDIS plan. These categories are Core Supports budgets, Capacity Building Supports budgets and Capital Supports budgets.

Core Supports budgets cover every day needs and help you work towards your goals. Daily activities, consumables, social community and civic participation, and transport are the four Core Supports categories. This budget category is flexible so you can fund and not fund services in any category while keeping your overall Core Supports budget.

If you’re approved for the NDIS, your plan will change as you grow and your needs change.

This is the area of your budget that Atlas McNeil Healthcare can provide products for.

You can have your NDIS plan run for 12, 24, or 36 months. Before the end date of your plan (usually around 6 weeks before), you will be contacted by the NDIA to schedule a review of your plan for the year ahead.

The NDIS funds the ‘reasonable and necessary’ disability related support that participants require to meet their needs and achieve their goals.

A. The NDIS will fund ‘reasonable and necessary’ supports needed to meet your needs and achieve your goals.
Reasonable and necessary supports must:

  1. Be identified in your NDIS plan as helping you to achieve your goals.
  2. Be related to your disability.
  3. Help you take part in the community.
  4. Not include day-to-day living costs not related to your disability.
  5. Be beneficial to you and be proven to work (tried and tested).

PACE is NDIA's new system to make it easier and safer for participants to view and manage their NDIS funds and their service providers.

It is a more user-friendly way for participants to:

  • View their budget.
  • See their plan information and personal details.
  • See all claims against their budget.

Participants need to endorse their providers on PACE so that they are listed in the portal under that specific provider.

There are two ways a participant/nominee can endorse a provider as a 'my provider'.

  1. Contact the NDIA National Call Centre on 1800 800 110.
  2. Contact their “My NDIS contact” - like their Local Area Coordinator or Planner.

To endorse Atlas McNeil Healthcare please use the below details:

  • NDIS Provider Name: Atlas Health Care Pty Ltd
  • NDIS Provider Number: 405 000 7260

For further guidance, please visit the NDIS website.